Abbey (Interview #2 with Clarkie)

This is a follow-up on the ABBS-of-steel, as I call her. My first interview with the abbster brought in so much response, I felt our readers would like more ongoing stories about the life of a 12 year old female skateboarder. Her parental units gave permission to post her picture on the zine. No doubt, she's as adorable as I imagined.
       I talk to the ABBS pretty regularly on the net. She never ceases to amaze me. She told me about breaking her wrist skating, and how she talked the doctor out of putting a cast on it, claiming she wouldn't be able to skate with a cast. She told him she was "addicted" to skating. You guessed it, she walked out of that doctor's office without a cast!

Clarkie: So what was it like to have your interview on the net?
Abbey: I thought it was dope being up there for 3 months!! And here I am again.

Clarkie: Did you show it to all your friends? What did they think about it? What did your p's think?
Abbey: Like everyday when I was in study hall I got on the site and showed all my friends. They thought it was rad. My parents were like, "You are actually going somewhere with being a skater." But, they are still trying to tell me that it is a phase and I will get over my skating times. I'm like "No way; skating is my life right now."

Clarkie: Has your net interview made any improvements in your life?

photo by Ashley Whitney        

Abbey: I think I started to skate harder once I read it for the 4th time. Now I think that if I can get an interview on the net because I skate, why can't I do more than that. So that's what I hope to do. I think it made changes in my life just by respecting skating more and the people who skate, because now I don't think any skater sucks; no matter if they can't even ollie. I give more respect to the people who try than the people who don't.

Clarkie: You mentioned in your interview that Tony Hawk and Andy Mac were your favorite skaters. As you know I went to the X-games in SF. Are you watching the coverage?

Abbey: I have been watching the X games. All the guys did awesome. I liked to watch the vert. Bucky Lasek got 1st, Andy MacDonlad got 2nd, AND THE GREATEST SKATER ALIVE TODAY GOT 3rd, TONY HAWK!!!! They rock and as in the best trick it was ALL HAWK with the 900. I was like jumping up and down the whole time and was like, "These guys are great I want to be like them!!"

That night I gave her Tony Hawk's e-mail address and she flipped out! She told me she loved me about 5 times. She wrote him 3 e-mails in 5 minutes! She wrote down the address in permanent marker on her hand. I have a feeling he just may respond when he gets over his own latest excitement and back to the office "grind."
       Maybe Abbey's parents are right. Maybe it is just a phase in her life. We all go through them. But I've never known any skateboard phase that never stuck. Even guys in their 40's today having once skated, never forgot the good times. They still support skateboarding, some teaching their kids how to skate, and some even hanging on to their little bright red wooden planks with metal wheels as their remembrances. No regrets, just a few scars and plenty of happy, spirited, and camaraderie memories.

Clarkie: Any final words from the ABBS-of-steel?
Abbey: That is about all I guess. Well, see you guys skating I hope!!!
*So how was that Clarkie? I didn't even have to write it on paper, I am so good : )*

Clarkie: You're good! Skate on gurl!


Real Skate Copyright © 1999-2003 by Clarkie, Santa Cruz, CA. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopy, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, photographers, writers, or artists named herein. Trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. (What this means is, Please Don't Steal!).